After I finished a Yak 52 paper model I thought that is a good ideea to transform it to a
flying foam model. So Ive started with the building plans (page 1/page2), scaled for fitting a 1 m wingspan.
Second step was to build the engine cowl. Actually the cowl fitted very well on a 2,5
liters plastic Pepsi bottle, so it wasn't necesary to build it from scratch
but just to cut it with a small scissors.
The challenging part was to take into consideration
t he thickness of the foam, because in the original plan the model was made of paper.
For reinforcements i've used 3 mm balsa spars or pannels
and some aluminium foil.
I've made the landing gear mounts in such a
way to allow detaching the landing gear. The model
can take off from ground or lunched from hand.
from paper model to foam
YAK - 52
I've started from here (page 1)
I've started from here (page 2)
Modelism/Foamies/Yak 52
Engine cowl (adding some details)
Adding reinforcement for engine mounts
Putting fuselage parts together
Putting fuselage parts together
After glueing and bending
After glueing and bending
Cutting the horizontal tail
The wing spar and pannels
The wing mounts with fuselage
Putting all parts together
It starts to look like an yak 52
Adding details on the model
For adding details on the model I've used a 1,5
mm needle and balsa pannels which I've pressed over
the depron.
The total weight of the RTF model
was around 650 grams.